Beauty and The Beast and Justine Part #2

I wrote yesterday about how much Justine loved Beauty and the Beast and how much she would have loved the new live action version of the movie. You can read that here. I wanted to see the movie but was reluctant since I had seen the animated version twice with Justine and I didn’t want to see it without her. I was also afraid of becoming emotional. 

I have been tying to do things that scare me or make me uncomfortable. I wrote about that here. I’m calling it my Year of Yes. I decided to go see the movie. Was I emotional? Absolutely! Did I wish Justine was there? With all my heart. I’m still so happy I went to see it. It was a stunningly beautiful movie. I loved every second of it. I saw it in 3D and would recommend seeing it that way. It was really spectacular. What a wonderful experience! I want to go see it again. 

16 thoughts on “Beauty and The Beast and Justine Part #2

  1. Cathy that’s so brave of you, I wanted to write a comment on your last blog but couldn’t find the right words. I’m so glad you decided to go see it. I find watching things or reading things that I know my Mum would have enjoyed makes me feel closer to her. I’m sure Justine was with you in spirit at the cinema xx

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  2. Thanks Cathy for sharing the evening , A Moment indeed🌹🌹

    Love as old as Time, never out of rhyme
    Ever just the same
    Ever a surprise
    Ever as before and ever just as sure as the sun will rise
    Ever the longing sigh
    Mom I am always nigh!

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  3. You have put it so nice : did I cry? Yes! Did I miss her? Yes ! But since she would have loved the film and would have loved to see it together with you, it was a moment that you could recall the happiness you had together.. The missing , the sadness we feel is the other side of the love and the joy that she represented . I understand however that sometimes it is not easy to step into the emotion. Well done!

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