Today’s Assignment WordPress U 101

Today’s assignment asked us to remember whose site we commented on yesterday and expand on it asking ourselves these questions

I made this comment on Catherine’s Post about a fashion magazine she was reading. I’d like to add that Catherine’s posts are extremely well done with many pictures illustrating what she is describing to the reader with words. This is my comment:

“I haven’t looked at fashion magazines since I read “Seventeen”. I gasped when I saw those anorexic models. There should be a law protecting those poor girls! I was hooked on interior decorating magazines for decades. Your blogs must take hours to do! They’re always very entertaining! Thank you!”

The reason I chose this comment and this post is because of my horror in seeing such extremely malnourished young girls in this magazine. The teenagers in the picture were clearly anorexic.

Here is the picture


My niece did some modelling when she was a teenager/young adult and she was always pressured to be unhealthily thin. The minute those girls walk into the studio they must step on the scales and are shamed if they are not underweight. The camera adds ten pounds so you can imagine how skeletal they really are. I literally gasped when seeing this photo.

We, as a society need to stop buying these magazines unless they change the policy to refuse to show extremely sick women. These models are encouraged to go to great lengths to either not eat or make themselves vomit their food in order to make a living. This practice begins a spiral of eating disorders and mental health issues that are lifelong struggles. 

I think it is beginning to improve and I do see some “Plus Size” models who look like average sized, more and more. I think they look much better and although society values thin over obese there has to be more curvy women in magazines. I realize there are very many reasons not to be overweight and that is not healthy either. Just a happy medium would be appropriate.

This was a really good assignment and I do think I was thinking about this 

17 thoughts on “Today’s Assignment WordPress U 101

  1. I’m glad to have given you food for thought on that (I don’t mean “food” in a twisted way either). Anyway, you’re right about the shaming. When Oona was 13, she had to be hospitalized for a kidney stone. She was admitted to Princeton Medical Center but ended up on the floor where girls were hospitalized for eating disorders. It was the first time it really hit me. Being grateful to the nurses who cared for Oona, I made a TON of cookies and took them into the hospital. One of the nurses at the floor’s desk pulled me aside and explained just what “floor” Oona was in. I almost died. Then she took me around the floor to see some of these girls. It was sickening. The nurse was telling me that the worst was just when the girls start to gain weight and look good and are released, many of them return because they feel they are too fat. It’s a disturbing and vicious cycle.
    I also find it disturbing that “plus” sized models are actually normal sized. The fashion industry needs to change. A lot! I’m rambling again….XOXOXOXO!

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    1. Thanks for the pun! I’m happy you found my comments and resorted them to their rightful place. One of the people I nominated did not get a ping back even though I tagged her name. Now I fear none of them got notification. I checked my settings and everything seems OK. Maybe WordPress is trying to solve the issue of so many of us getting that car insurance email blunder.


  2. I completely agree! I’m only a size 4. I was on a website the other day that had “plus size” model… she looked like she was a size 4 too!!!!! It’s so sad and it makes me worry all the time for my daughters.

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    1. I worried too when I was raising my daughters. One time the school put on a 24 hour fast to raise money for a charity and I not only would not allow my daughters to participate, I called the school and told them my concerns. Girls are so vulnerable!

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      1. After I had my oldest daughter, I got really sick. I struggled to maintain triple digits on the scales… I say struggled, but I rarely ever saw 100 lbs. I’ll never forget walking from store to store trying to find a size 0 (I needed a suit for a job interview), but couldn’t find anything below a 4. The girls that worked there made me feel horrible. In more than one store they accused me of being anorexic. Now, I’m healthy and have to wade through all the size 0’s and 00’s to find the one or two size 4’s on the rack. It’s so sad.

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  3. Dear Cathy 🙂

    This is a very nicely done assignment post I feel. You raise a very vital issue. Anorexia is a big problem here in India among teens as we are following into footsteps of western civilization in everything(positive or negative).

    How fashion and trends could make people blind to obvious facts and make them ill is saddening.

    But the moment I realized what you were trying to say in this article I giggled. Because it’s funny too.

    Have a nice time dear 🙂


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  4. You have raised a very important topic of concern in toour society. Issues like anorexia and bulimia must be talked about more often to raise awareness and to protect young girls from it. The models in these pictures are sooo small, do they even eat?

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  5. Cathy, this is an issue that’s worrying a lot of moms. There are little kids now days, that won’t eat because they want to look like this models……..
    So good for Catherine and you that you bring this topic on your post!!!

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  6. This makes me so sad…Our poor daughters…a really tough world to live in! I have always appreciated my athletic built except when I was a teenager…I felt like something was wrong with me. I played sports and could run faster than most the boys my age, but I was not skinny…I appreciate my strong body now. Thanks for addressing this!


  7. I completely agree. They have progressively gone from real women to horrendously thin, walking skeletons. Yes, obese is not great either, but when a plus size model is actually a normal healthy woman, there is a problem.
    Sometime back, I heard that France has passed some laws about this issue, banning super thin models. I believe fines will be issued toward those who encourage and continue to use these girls in this way. More countries need to do this and fast. Looking like a zombie is not attractive.


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