More About Justine

I have been a little scattered lately with guest blogging and joining other blogger’s hubs and doing blogging challenges. All these things are fun and I like to help others but my goal here is to provide interesting content about my book. For those who are new here I will fill you in. My daughter, Justine was diagnosed with bipolar disorder when she was a teenager. After years of ups and downs she was killed in a car accident at aged 29 last year. I’m writing a book called, “Not My Story To Tell” about her life.

Justine was a wonderful communicator and loved making time for her family. She worked nights and would often phone me when she got home as I was getting ready for work at 7 am. We had some of our greatest conversations as I brushed my teeth and packed up my lunch before I left for work. Often, she would call to ask if it was time for our mother/daughter pedicures. She would make the appointment and we would have such a wonderful time at the spa together. The spa was our place to gossip, bond, and talk about life.

Getting together for birthdays was always a special time for our family. We would go out to a favourite restaurant of ours to celebrate. These moments were always a happy time for sharing how things were going in her life. She would also get together with her father for lunch just to have some time with him. She was always happy to see people she cared about and have a chat.

Keeping in contact with her extended family was also very important to Justine. When I talked to her grandparents, aunts, and uncles they usually told me they had just heard from her. She had a very close relationship with her cousins and would visit them and chat on the phone to them. We have hundreds of pictures to remember all our family get togethers and fun times she had with her family.

25 thoughts on “More About Justine

  1. I admire your courage in writing this story. I have no perspective on losing a child, so I won’t even pretend, but I do know about bipolar disorder, as I have it. I wish you every good thing in writing everything you write.

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  2. It takes great courage to write about your daughter. It’s perhaps the greatest tribute to her and her life for you to do so. It also helps us to deal with the pain of loss and remembering the very good times we had with our loved ones. Have a great day. Keep at it – one foot forward after another. Peace.

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  3. It’s always good to hear more people talking about mental health. Thank you.

    I can’t imagine what it would be like to lose a daughter but my dad died in a car accident too, and I think the hardest part with that is the abruptness of it. With everyone else I’ve lost I had the chance to say goodbye one last time. At least I don’t have any regrets with my dad on that point, but stories like this are a great reminder to always leave on good terms with good memories, because you don’t know which goodbye will be the last.

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  4. You’re welcome! One of the main reasons I’m writing this is to get the conversation going about mental illness.
    My father died suddenly too. He had a heart attack. Even though he was only 66 and it was a shock, I’ve always thought that it was easier than watching him lying in a hospital bed or nursing home. Sometimes as sudden and shocking as it is at the time I know it was less painful.


  5. Thank you Cathy for your helpful hints and for following me. I look forward to learning more about your beautiful daughter, Justine. I am a mother of four daughters, all grown, and cannot imagine the pain of losing one of them. Your book will be such a gift! Blessings to you!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Hi Cathy, I enjoy your writing. It is clear, expressive without using too many words. Today I found out about Justine. My son, David, was bi-polar. He died when he was 38. Writing about him is therapeutic; writing in general is therapeutic!


  7. Your courage and compassion is so very admirable, and so very needed. Thank you for rising to the challenge…thank you for finding a way to share your memories…you and Justine are lights that can never be replicated…thank you for choosing to shine :

    Liked by 1 person

  8. I have enjoyed my time here. I am very sorry for the loss of your daughter physically, but I know from all that I’ve read here, Justine is with you still. What a lovely story about Beauty and the Beast! I have not seen the new movie yet, but I am looking forward to it. Much encouragement to you as you write Justine’s story. I find writing very therapeutic. Thank you so much for stopping by my place and for the follow. I’m looking forward to reading more on here.

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