Stay Positive #Monday Blogs

 Everyone has bad days, even bad weeks. It’s easy to slip into negative thought patterns at times like this. When that happens more and more bad things will begin happening and you spiral downward. If you have a bad day, go to bed knowing tomorrow will be better. 

Staying positive will attract good things. Showing gratitude for what you have will make you see more and more good things in your life. Then the laws of attraction will really start working bringing abundance and peace to you. 


Footnote: I went to my locker an hour after I wrote this and this star was taped there. We are doing an anti-bullying campaign at the school I work at. Coincidence?


10 thoughts on “Stay Positive #Monday Blogs

  1. I don’t believe in coincidence; I believe all things happen in God’s perfect timing and the Spirit is constantly at work in our lives dropping little clues to let you know you are on the right path…or, giving hints that perhaps you need to change your direction and start paying more attention to the calling of your heart where the Spirit whispers with the wind just what changes need to be made within…it’s when we decide to exercise our free will and our mind decides to push aside those soft, kind, and wise thoughts that we stray from the path. Yet, God is full of forgiveness and His grace will always be there to welcome you back. Hugs, LaVancia

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