Writing To Work My Writer’s Brain

Did you know that writing every day actually stretches creative muscles in the brain? I’m not sure that is scientific fact but just like anything we do every day, writing will improve if done daily. If you want to be a good musician, skater, dancer, singer,  artist, athlete or any other feat, you must practice, practice, practice. You can’t help but improve.

I’ve set a goal to write every day. You can read more about that here. I almost forgot to write today since this is a habit I used to have but I’ve lapsed. Now I’m starting again. Writing isn’t just putting words on paper. You have to think of something to write about. Usually I write about something that happened during my day or a memory. Today, I just started writing about writing. It’s amazing how just starting to write will allow your fingers, brain and imagination to just work together to produce something meaningful.

Last summer I took part in a daily challenge called “31 Days of Summer Lovin'”. It was hosted by Soul Seaker. I’ve asked if it’s being hosted again this summer. Just having one word will trigger inspiration. If Soul Seaker isn’t doing this challenge this summer I’m going to host something similar. Will you join in? 

I hope you decide to take the challenge. Here it is Alphabet Soup Challenge

9 thoughts on “Writing To Work My Writer’s Brain

  1. That is a good idea, go for it, if I did it, it would be winter as that’s what it is now in NZ.
    So I would have to think of summer days which we didn’t have last summer, maybe that would warm my cold body up.
    Have a nice day.

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