La la la….I Can’t Hear You!

I read an article in today’s local newspaper that really resonated with me. You can read it here. The columnist Vinay Menon writes for the Toronto Star. His columns are about everyday things but he especially likes to poke fun at famous people and the antics of the rich and famous. He often comments on how far away the stars’ lives are from people like himself (and me). I find myself nodding and chuckling because he speaks the truth.

Today’s column was about something I strongly believe in. Vinay Menon says that he thinks that we could all feel better about the new US president if we all just sung more. He even suggested that Trump might be liked better if he sung his tweets. He said that the reason that the movie “La la Land” is so popular is because people sing in it and it just makes everyone feel so good. I agree that when we sing, it soothes the soul and instantly makes us feel better. I hum and sing all throughout the day. I’ve written other blogs on my love of singing. Here is one of them. One thing I forgot to mention throughout all this is that I’m a terrible singer. Everyone tells me so! Do I care? Nope! It makes me feel good so I will continue to do it. 

Do you think singing makes you feel better?

20 thoughts on “La la la….I Can’t Hear You!

  1. Yep, Always loved to sing and always wished I had the chops to make a career of it (which I really did not). I am grateful that I have a “good” singing voice (or used to, back in my acting days anyway, judging by the times I was cast in musicals ) – but have always encouraged even my most tone-deaf buddies to sing along (especially with Christmas Carols!). I feel the same way about dancing. INSTANT feel-good.

    I doubt that even singing his tweets would make me feel more positive toward McDonald, however.

    (Madelyn Griffith-Haynie – ADDandSoMuchMore dot com)
    – ADD Coach Training Field founder; ADD Coaching co-founder –
    “It takes a village to transform a world!”

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  2. Singing certainly makes me feel better – I just love karoake & I cant sing either. But on a solo trip by car I am simply a star! I’m sorry to say, though, that La la Land didn’t make me feel particularly good. My companion wasn’t keen on it either, but perhaps that just proves that we are out of kilter with everyone else.
    Donald Trump singing? I don’t think so.

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  3. Do you ever think of the marvel of the vocal chords that can make singing possible? Seems to me that the Creator must have thought it singing would be a good thing! Love singing, but I like the kind that makes melody- good or bad. “A merry heart doth good like a medicine,” according to the Good Book (Bible).

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  4. Singing is a universal saving grace…I absolutely love music and shamelessly belt out tunes when in the car, In those precious minutes, I feel so smugly free–as though I haven’t a care in the world…thanks for sharing 🙂

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