Three Funerals and a Wedding

Life is full of ups and downs. It sounds like a cliché, but living is like riding the waves in the ocean. You land safely on shore only to have another wave pick you up and carry you out again. Some people refer to it as a roller coaster. You go down then back up again.

Justine was killed in a car accident two years ago. You can read about that here. Today is the second anniversary of her celebration of life. In August we lost my brother-in-law, Bob to cancer. You can read about that here. We got some happy news after that with the invitation to Layce and Benyi’s wedding in Panama. This cheered us up and the wedding was wonderful. You can read about that here. Having a holiday in the sun was very welcoming. A week after our return, my step-father, Peter died. You can read about his very interesting life here. We have the visitation this evening and the funeral is tomorrow.


Justine with her dad and me at Mom and Peter’s wedding
You might think these deaths are a lot for one family to endure. After Justine died we discovered that her sister was pregnant and we were filled with joy. Having a grandson has brought such happiness into our lives. Right after Bob died we got Layce and Benyi’s wedding invitation and we had our trip and the wedding to look forward to. I’m sure some good news is right around the corner for us. 

Peter and Bob who have both left us within months of one another
We will learn to live on with joy and happiness as our loved ones would have wanted. I don’t know how to live any other way. I can’t wait to find out the good surprise that is coming! 

16 thoughts on “Three Funerals and a Wedding

  1. I am so sorry for your loss.
    What a full and satisfying life your step-father had.It is very interesting to hear of your family and life’s ups and downs. I don’t believe that we are ever given more than we can endure with the help of family and friends, but it can be very difficult to think that at the time. As you say you are sure to have good things around the corner.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. You have my most sincere condolences, my dear. Losing a single loved one is more than sufficient to leave us in thousands of broken shards, but as many as you did? You are a resilient woman, Ms. Brooks.
    Forgive me if I sound insensitive or coarse in saying this, but it seems that as we age, loss only becomes not only more frequent in our lives, but a fundament.

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