I’m proud to say I have over 400 followers!

My goal was to get 300 followers by the end of the year. I got 300 a couple of months ago, much to my surprise and delight! I had no idea how to get followers when I started this blog this past summer. I had had another blog that I posted on Facebook. It got a few likes on Facebook but I felt very isolated.

 Thanks to WordPress U I have met so many new people, who I now consider friends. I would recommend WordPress U to anyone and not to solicit likes. WordPress U is a series of free course that inspires, teaches, challenges and makes you be a better blogger and learn all about WordPress. I’m waiting to take my 4th course in December. You can sign up here.


29 thoughts on “I’m proud to say I have over 400 followers!

  1. Congratulations Cathy !
    And it is true , through the WordPress courses we are not only learning how to improve our blogs but we are also meeting great fellow bloggers and learning and growing with them 🙂
    Turtle Hugs

    Liked by 3 people

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